Download DSSSB TGT, LDC, Warder Exam Admit Card 2013, Hall
Ticket, Syllabus, Exam Paper Pattern as exam will be conducted in September.
DSSSB also known as Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board is conducting
Exam on Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT), Lower Division Clerk (LDC) and Warder
Post. Candidates can download DSSSB Admit Card at official website of
DSSSB always conduct TGT Exam in September. DSSSB
Online Application last date was 25.07.2013. Candidates who have applied for
DSSSB Exam, they can now download Exam Paper Pattern and Syllabus.
Applicants must need Syllabus and Exam Pattern to Prepare
for DSSSB Exam, So candidates require Exam Pattern and Syllabus. Now
they can download Syllabus and Exam Paper Pattern.
DSSSB TGT, LDC Exam Pattern and Syllabus details:
DSSSB will conduct one Tier Objective Type Exam and Exam
duration will be 2 Hours. DSSSB Conducts Exam in two section, first is
General Section and second is Subject Oriented Section. It is divided into 2
Name of the Organization : Delhi Subordinate Selection Board (DSSSB)
Exam Name : Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)
Total No. of Questions : 200
Maximum Marks : 200 Marks
Syllabus for DSSSB TGT Exam: Candidates who have
applied for TGT Exam are required Syllabus for preparation. They can see the
given Syllabus for Exam Preparation.
It include General Awareness, General Intelligence &
Reasoning Ability , Hindi and English Language and Comprehension, Arithmetical
and Numerical Ability. All subject contains 20 Marks.
Objective Type multiple questions on the subject concerned
as per Qualification based on Test.
Note : There are 0.25 or 1/4 Negative
Marking. Deduction will be made of each wrong answer.
here to Download DSSSB Admit Card 2013, Hall Ticket, Call