Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Address: Deputy Registrar,
Establishment (A) Section, IIT Roorkee
Postal Code: 247667
City Roorkee
State Uttarakhand
Pay Scale: Pay Band 4 (Rs. 37400-67000
with AGP-Rs.9500/-) For direct recruits, minimum pay in the PB-4 to be fixed at
Rs. 42800/-
Educational Requirements: Ph.D. with
first class or equivalent at the preceding degree in the appropriate branch
with a very good academic record throughout.
Date Posted: 08/08/2013
Experience Requirements: Minimum of 6
years teaching/industrial/research experience, of which at least three years
should be at the level of Assistant Professor.
Details will be available at:
How To Apply: Interested candidates
may apply on-line through website or on the prescribed application form which
may be downloaded from the website of the Institute. The completed application
should reach to Deputy Registrar, Establishment (A) Section, IIT Roorkee,
Roorkee-247667 (Uttarakhand), on or before September 10, 2013.
Last Date: September 10, 2013