Guest Faculty (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences
Address: Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate
Institute of Medical Sciences, Rae Bareli Road
Postal Code: 226014
City Lucknow
State UP
Educational Requirements: (i) Master’s
degree in Midwifery & Obstetrical Nursing from a recognized
Institution/University. (ii) Registered nurse & midwife (iii) Five year
experience with a minimum of 02 years teaching experience in Psychiatric
Details will be available at:
How To Apply: Completed applications
on prescribed format along-with certificates in support of qualifications &
experience and one photograph may reach to Executive Registrar, Sanjay Gandhi
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Rae Bareli, Road Lucknow latest by
25th October 2013.
General Condition: 1. Person
applying for empanelment must have good academic record. 2. Retired person can
also apply if physically fit. 3. Person empanelled will be paid remuneration as
per Institute norms for the actual period they have taught. 4. Time table will
be prepared by Principal College of Nursing. 5. A record of teaching will be
maintained and payment will be made on monthly basis, on verification of
Principal, Nursing College SGPGIMS Lucknow. 6. Candidates with experience shall
be preferred. 7. Experience gained as Guest Faculty will not make them eligible
to claim for permanent/regular employment at the institute. 8. The empanelment
will be for one academic session as per INC Norms and remuneration will be paid
on hourly basis as approved by the Institute from time to time. 9. Other terms
and conditions for empanelment will be as per Institute norms.
Last Date: 25th October 2013