How To Make Money Online With Website Directories ?
There are two ways you can make money online with website directories – you can either
join them or start your own. But before we get into the details, let’s take a
look at just what website directories are and how they operate.
Website directories are lists, or indexes, of websites and
the listings are broken down into categories, sub-categories and further if
necessary. These lists of websites are a resource for people searching for
information. You can go to your favorite search engine and type in a search time and you’ll see pages
and pages of results. But if you go to your favorite website directory you’ll
see results that have been edited to filter out the garbage. Ideally, a website
directory contains links to sites that contain quality information and these
sites have been selected by human editors.
There are literally millions of website directories out
there. You can find general
directories or niche-specific. To find them, just do a search for ‘website
directories YOUR NICHE‘. The best general
example is dmoz. This is an open
directory project where real people, just like you and me, actually edit the
listings. It’s purpose is to help categorize the Internet and separate the
wheat from the chaff. Not all sites that are submitted are accepted.
Website directories promote themselves to searchers as being
the best place to come to find quality websites in whatever niche – they save
time and they weed out the riff-raff. They promote themselves to you, the
webmaster, as being someplace where you can get a valuable backlink and
traffic. They need your quality website so they can attract searchers (who will
click on their ads) and they need searchers (traffic numbers) so they can
attract your website to their index. It’s one big circle and, like everything
else on the web, success depends on quality.