National Insurance Company Limited (NICL), A Govt of Undertaking, invites
application on behalf of four Public Sector General Insurance Companies (
National Insurance Company Limited, THe New India Assurance Company Limited,
Oriental Insurance Company Limited, United India Insurance Company Limited) of
65651 having 6116 offices / business centres in India, for filling up of
Administrative Officer (AO) vacancies via Online mode only on or before 03rd
August 2013. For more details of the recruitment given below....
Number of Posts: 1434 posts.
1. National Insurance Company
Limited : 423 vacancies
2. The New India Assurance
Company Limited : 494 vacancies
3. Oriental Insurance Company
Limited : 223
4. United India Insurance
Company Limited : 294
National Insurance Company invites application on behalf of four
Public Sector General Insurance Companies with a combined human resource base
of 65651 having 6116 officesl business centers in every nook & corner of
the Country with a total Premium Income of Rs.35000 crores for the year 2012-1
3, for recruitment of 1434 (One thousand four hundred & thirty four)
Officers in Scale I cadre from open market.
The eligibility Criteria for
Recruitment, as on 31 July, 2013 shall be as under:
Nationality: A candidate
applying for recruitment in the Company must be either:—
(a) a citizen of India, or (b) a
subject of Nepal, or (c) a subject of Bhutan, or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came
over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently
settling in India, or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from
Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East Affican countries of Kenya,
Uganda, the United Republic of
Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of
permanently settling in India.
Provided that a candidate
belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall be a person in whose favour
a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the
Government of India
On line Registration commences from
16th July 2013
Last Date for Registration of Online Applications
12th August 2013
Payment of Application fees
17th July 2013 to 14th August 2013 (both date inclusive)
Dates of Written Examination
8th September 2013
Download of the call letter for examination
Within 7 days prior to the date of examination
i) The discipline wise numbers
mentioned above are provisional/indicative. The Companies reserves the right
not to select any candidate from any of the disciplines mentioned above. The
discipline wise number indicated above may vary and or can be interchanged at any
stage of recruitment process.
ii) Reservation for Person with
Disabilities (PWD) shall be as per prevailing government rules.
iii) Candidates may be selected
for employment in any of the above mentioned Companies. Company’s decision in
this regard shall be final.
Abbreviations stand for: UR
–Un-reserved; SC-Scheduled Caste; ST-Scheduled Tribe; OBC-Other Backward
The reservation under various
categories will be as per prevailing Government Guidelines at the time of
finalisation of result. The above vacancies are provisional and may vary
according to the actual requirement of the Companies at the material time.
Merit list will be drawn up Discipline-wise and Category-wise.
The candidates who are
shortlisted in the written test will have to appear for Interview. National
Insurance Company Limited would coordinate the written examination, thereafter;
Interview for the short-listed candidates would be conducted by each Company in
their respective zones where their Head Office is
situated (except in certain
cases). However, the Company reserves the right to alter the aforesaid
1. Service Conditions:
Candidates may be selected for
employment in any of the four Companies. Company’s decision in this regard
shall be final. The service conditions will be
applicable as per the prevalent
rules of the companies from time to time. Selected candidates on appointment
may be posted or transferred to any place in
India as may be decided by the
Selected candidates, if certified
fit medically, may be appointed as Administrative Officers (Scale-I) on
probation for a period of one year, which may be extended by a further period
up to six months. The Company reserves the right to terminate service of the
candidate if found unsuitable at any time during probationary period or the
extended probationary period without any notice or assigning any reason
thereof. During the probationary period, candidates may be required to undergo
theoretical/practical training as may be prescribed/arranged for them.
Guarantee Bond:
Before joining as probationer,
the selected candidates will be required to give an undertaking to serve the
Company for a minimum period of four years including probationary period. In
the event of their resigning from the Company before the expiry of the bond
period, they will be liable to pay liquidated
damages equivalent to one year’s
gross salary paid to them during the year of probation which could be
proportionately reduced depending on the length of service rendered. Besides,
he/she will have to submit a stamped Bond duly executed by two sureties of
sound financial standing for an amount equivalent to
one year’s gross salary.
Candidates resigning from the
Company during the probationary period and candidates whose services are
terminated by the Company during the probationary period shall be liable to pay
the salary received by them during their entire service in the Company in
addition to an amount of Rs.25,000/- towards partial cost of training. No
lien/bond executed to retain a substantive post with present employer will be
binding upon the Company and no leave Salary or Pension Contribution will be
4. Emoluments & Benefits:
Basic pay of Rs.17,240/- in the
scale of Rs.17,240-840(14)-29,000-910(4)-32640 and other admissible allowance
as applicable. Total emoluments will be above Rs.34,000/- plus in Metropolitan
Centers. Other benefits are Pension under New Pension Scheme governed by PFRDA.
Gratuity, LTS, Medical Benefits, Group Personal Accident and Group Savings
Linked Insurance Scheme (GSLI) etc as shall be as per rules. The Officers are
also entitled for Company’s/leased accommodation as per norms. With Major
Benefits beside the total emoluments, the CTC works out to approximately to
Rs.5.10 lacs per
annum at Metro centers.