E.mail: yel@repcohome.com
on or before October 23,2013.
Recuitment for the posts of Research
Associate (RA) & Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in Defence Laboratory
Defence Laboratory Jodhpur Limited
invites online application from eligible candidates for the following posts.
Research Associate (RA) & Junior
Research Fellow (JRF): 3 Posts
Qualification: M.Sc (Microbiology/ Pathology or Botany with specialization
in Microbiology/Pathology). Ph.D with experience. M.Sc Physics, M.Sc Chemistry
Age: 28 years for JRF & 35 years for RA (relax able up to 5
years for SC/ST and up to 3 years for OBC candidates)
Application Fee : Indian Postal Order (IPO) for Rs. 10/- should be sent
along with the application form, failing which the application will be treated
as Incomplete and rejected. IPO should be addressed to "Director. Defence
Laboratory & Payable at Jodhpur". Candidates belonging to SC/ST &
OBC are exempted from this payment.
Selection procedure: In case applications are received in large number, then
candidates shortlisted on merit basis alone will be called for wntten test
Candidates who qualify the written test will be called for interview in the
order of merit m the written test Candidates.
How to apply: Applications in the prescribed format, complete in all
respects should be addressed to: "Director, Defence Laboratory,
Ratanada Palace, Jodhpur- 342011" The last date for receipt of
application is 11th October 2013.